Monday, March 29, 2010


Dana and baby Emma are doing great in New Mexico! I can't wait to hold lil Em this summer!

Bethany is working on her Master's degree, go Beezy!

Lyndsay is a newlywed and enjoying her time in Montana with hubby Chris!

Whitney is enjoying her new house, which is so cute by the way, and loving her time with her BF Aaron!

Raquel is quite the little teeth puller!! She is working hard in Philadelphia, she's a cute little dentist!

Kristin is loving her new doggie Yogi and of course don't forget Ducati! And working hard down in Texas, I miss her and her sweet souther accent!

Ashley is in her 23rd week of pregnancy and is absolutely glowing!! I love her and her wittle baby growing inside her!

Nikki is Ms. Davis!! I'm so proud of her, she's teaching in Pasco, and I'm sure the kids love her!

Michelle has moved back to the Tri and is finishing her degree this semester! Hopefully this summer her and I will go on many walks together like the good old days!